fantasia on a photography course in MoroccoA Fantasia is a team of competing horses with groups of riders, wearing traditional clothes charging in line before firing their old gunpowder guns, the Moukahla into the sky. Fantasia is a perfect example Moroccan folklore and its well groomed Barb a show of pride amongst Moroccan’s wealthy village elders and landowners.

The performance is inspired from historical wartime attacks of Berber and desert knights. The difficulty of the performance is synchronization during the acceleration and especially during firing so that one single shot is heard.

This colorful display of horsemanship begins with a procession made up of women from the Zayaan tribe on horseback. First in line are the virgin women of the Zayaan tribe; behind them are the village men.

The performance reflects the strong relationship between man and horse as is perceived in Islam.  While each region in Morocco has one or several fantasia groups, called serba. There is a Berber saying that “only men and virgin women are allowed to ride these magnificent animals,” because non-virgins may cause the stallion to loose its power and speed.A photography week in Morocco

You can also experience the Fantasia near Essaouira at the end of the first week of May. To book your place for a week’s holiday starting on the 4th or 5th of May contact: